Registration is open for FREE folkloric dance and music classes. We extend a warm invitation to anyone who is interested in exploring the world of dance or music. Our classes cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to discover your passion or are experienced and seeking to enhance your technique, our classes have something for everyone, including adults. Click here to register or call 831-854-7740 for information. Class sizes are limited, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis so register today!
Este formulario es para inscribir a su hija/hijo. Las practicas serán en la Cafeteria de Branciforte Small Schools (840 N. Branciforte Ave Santa Cruz, CA) y/o la escuela de adultos de Santa Cruz (319 La Fonda Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062)
** Folk 2 -edades/ages 8-12 (CLOSED/CERRADA)
** Folk 3 -edades/ages 13-15
By filling out this form, you agree to attend all class sessions and to arrive with all materials needed: Mujeres & Hombres / Girls & Boys
Uniforme (Ropa Negra y Tenis) / Uniform (Black Clothes and Tennis shoes)
Cabello recogido (MUJERES) / Hair up in a Bun (GIRLS)
Falda (MUJERES) / Skirt (GIRLS)
Paliacate (HOMBRES) / Bandana (BOYS)
Zapatos de danza / Dance shoes
Bote de agua / Water bottle
Los maestros darán más información en la primera clase. Si necesita por favor háganoslo saber.
Teachers will provide more information on where to acquire supplies. If you need financial assistance, please let us know.
Ensamble Musical
Los instrumentos se proporcionarán según sea necesario. / Instruments will be provided as needed.Al llenar esta forma se compromete a estar presente en todas las sesiones de la clase y llegar a tiempo.
By filling out this form, you agree to attend all class sessions and to arrive on time.