In collaboration with the Development Directors and Executive Directors Roundtables and Indigo Skies Consulting, our first IN-PERSON Lunch and Learn Plus:
What: Lunch and Learn Plus: Leading with Resilience – Preventing Burnout in Nonprofit Leadership
When: Wednesday, February 12: (11:30am-1:00pm): ½ hour lunch and networking and 1 hour presentation
Where: The United Way Conference Room
Cost: $10 | $25 (includes lunch!) RSVP Here
Join us for Leading with Resilience: Preventing Burnout in Nonprofit Leadership, a not-to-be-missed in-person Lunch and Learn Plus.
If you are navigating burnout, or want to slow down your organizational turnover by addressing your burnout/turnover rate, then this workshop was created for you.
We will share industry best practices, our “learned-the-hard-way” lessons, and also tap into the wisdom of those in attendance.
This workshop is ideal for (a maximum of 40) nonprofit professionals juggling the stress of work/life balance, working parents, and dedicated overstretched board members.
Presenters: Stephanie Barron Lu, Executive Director of Positive Discipline Community Resources (PDCR) and Sharon Papo, CEO of Indigo Skies Consulting
Parking: the parking lot is not available during regular business hours. We understand this is inconvenient, but this is the building requirement. United Way’s lease agreement requires all guests to park on the street for meetings of 5 or more during regular business hours.
Other: Please ENTER and EXIT through the rear Conference room door to minimize staff interruptions.
Disclaimer: The use of the United Way/First 5 Conference Room does not imply the United Way or First 5’s endorsement or approval of the non-profit groups’ activities or actions.