Become a Member

Nonprofit Connection (NPC) Santa Cruz County builds and strengthens relationships among local nonprofits, broadening networks of support and community connections. 

Welcome to our nonprofit resource alliance of shared connections and collaboration!
Choose Your Membership Type

Nonprofit Organization Member

Nonprofit Connection brings Santa Cruz County nonprofits together to share resources, information, job postings and advocacy.  We provide a connection to other nonprofit leaders to share insights, support and work together to take on our community’s most challenging problems.  We offer workshops and seminars to learn new skills, build capacity, and share ideas to help our community grow and thrive.

Ally member

When an individual, foundation, or business ally joins Nonprofit Connect, you support our alliance’s work toward building an equitable and thriving community.

Individual Allies

Individual Allies are individuals who support nonprofits or sole proprietors who provide consulting or other services to nonprofits.

Organization Allies

NPC event sponsors, businesses, foundations, government entities, faith-based groups, clubs, or other entities that support nonprofits, work in alliance with nonprofits, or provide business services to nonprofits.  They connect with the nonprofit community to establish professional partnerships and to support nonprofits achieve their missions. 


*Nonprofit is defined as having 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or operating under a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsorship.

Nonprofit Connection Santa Cruz County is a 501(c)3 corporation, Federal Tax ID# 87-2130376

PO Box 1894
Soquel, CA 95073

Nonprofit Connection SCC © 2021