10 Common Content Mistakes Social Impact Organizations Make


Check out 10 common mistakes social impact organizations make that keep their content from getting traction by Cosmic, September 4, 2024

Are you tired of putting time and energy into creating content that just doesn’t get meaningful engagement from your community?

We’ve all been there.

You’re proud of your hard work and effort. A feeling of excitement rushes over you as you hit “post” or “publish.” This piece is going places, you just know it. Only, it doesn’t. It flops. Or maybe a few people engage but nowhere near the level of traction you need to take your mission to the next level.

It’s one of the hardest and most disheartening parts about creating and producing content. And it makes you question if any of your energy and investment is even worth it. Sometimes it feels unfair, like the algorithm holds a weird personal grudge against you, or that people’s attention spans are so short these days that they don’t engage with anything meaningful anymore.

Other people seem to be blowing up and going viral, and their content feels generic, clickbaity, and low value.  What’s going on here?

10 Common Content Mistakes

Here’s a question you should ask yourself before you start creating and distributing content for your brand. What’s the point? No, really?

I think we’ve all just accepted that we must be out there creating content and showing up on the latest social media platforms because that’s just what you do if you want to build a brand and nurture community. And there’s certainly some truth to this. But when you just dive into creating content for the sake of creating content, you’re not setting yourself up for the true power of an intentional content strategy.

You need to start by thinking about this from a broader strategic perspective. If you’re focused on measuring success by looking at list and follower growth, likes, comments, shares, and other common engagement metrics, you’re not going deep enough with your thinking.

How do you plan to leverage that engagement into meaningful action and growth that actually moves your mission forward? If you can’t connect your content strategy to your larger growth strategy, it’s destined to fail from the start.

But even if you’ve thought that through, there’s plenty of other mistakes we see many social impact brands make with their content. Let’s dig into a few of the common ones.


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