Become a Triangle Speaker and raise awareness and empathy for the LGBTQ+ community. For over 32 years Triangle Speakers Panels has been changing hearts and minds of students, educators, businesses and community organizations in Santa Cruz. Your story holds power. We are looking for the next generation of Triangle Speakers who will use storytelling to dismantle prejudice and discrimination.
Your voice matters in the fight for inclusion and equality. The Diversity Center will be providing a comprehensive 4 hour long training session that will encourage you to speak your truth and inspire change. Together, we can dismantle barriers and foster a world where BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and Trans people are celebrated and respected. Let us create a society where all can thrive authentically and unapologetically.
During the Triangle Speakers Training participants will learn about the history of the speakers bureau and we will review panel format, roles and disclaimer. We will review current Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender terminology (SOGIE), pronoun usage and active listening strategies. We will explore the healing impact of storytelling and participants will receive coaching on how to create a 5 min story that can be shared during Triangle Speakers Panels. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their story and receive feedback by fellow participants. We will review the Triangle Speakers Code of Conduct and participants will learn about the next steps required to become an activated Triangle Speaker. An additional 2 hour training session will be provided at a later date to give Triangle Speakers the opportunity to fine tune their bios and develop their storytelling skills before being invited to a live panel.
RSVP for the August 2024 Triangle Speakers Training HERE. Your RSVP helps ensure that we have the necessary training materials and supplies. The Triangle Speakers Training will take place at The Diversity Center. We will provide light refreshments to keep us energized and nourished during the training session.
Questions? Dusty Colyer-Worth Manager of OUTreach Programs